You Shall Know Them by Their Fruits...

H/T Wirecutter . Every single 'so-called' Republican in the House (all 5 of them) who voted for the House's unconstitutional fire arms restrictions is complicit with the Communists. Period. Same goes for those in the Senate who want to find, 'common ground' and reduce the capabilities of Trad Americans to defend themselves against ALL threats. From the article cited, here's the complete list of those who voted for at least one of the bills brought forward either singly or as a package: Adam Kitzinger, Illinois Maria Salazar, Florida Anthony Gonzalez, Ohio Mike Turner, Ohio David Joyce, Ohio David Valado, California Ken Calvert, California Brian Fitzpatrick, Pennsylvania Chris Jacobs, New York John Katko, New York Nicole Maliotakis, New York Chris Smith, New Jersey Fred Upton, Michigan They are traitors to the Oath of Office they took upon election. It could be argued that they have broght aid and comfort to enemies of the United States, which would constit...