Reading...The Best Way to Gain Information and Knowledge...

Can't hack all the podcasts anymore....can't stand the posts that are video platforms for the speaker to provide his or her insight on various issues, except on occasions when 'how to' demonstrations or instruction is appropriate. Then videos are worthwhile! Usually, videos do NOT exercise the mind; rather, they are like mini-tee vee shows with the speaker as the star and usually have the purpose of entertaining or eliciting an emotional (rather than intellectual) response from the viewer. And, then, of course, it's all about marketing a product that will salve the ego of the purchaser. I read. I eschew video posts, podcasts, and other 'shorts'. Why? Mostly because I see the deluge of video's made on the principle that '10 minutes is all you have to present your case,' because people can't pay attention to a given subject for more than 10 minutes. Further, I find the subject is what is interesting, and not the presenter (or would be...