A Factual Article from 'Area Ocho'


Not all cops deserve your support

I generally support cops. Most of us who are not active leftists do. That trait is being used against us. That is why I can no longer support articles like this one from William Lind.

Mr. Lind makes the claim that we should support the police, because they are “on our side.” I submit to you that the only side the police are on is the side that pays them their pensions. If that means they have to take your guns, so be it. They got their guns, and they get their pensions.

If that means they have to raid your business with an armored vehicle for daring to stay open, they will. If they have to arrest children while pepper spraying them in the face to keep their pension, they will.

If they need to arrest you for trespassing in your own business in order to prove who’s boss, they will.

I know what you are thinking- “Those stories are all cops from other states. I know the cops in my area. They would NEVER do that. The cops I know are good guys.” Just ask yourself- if the cops in your area were given an order, would they refuse to obey, even if it means being fired and losing their pension? I’m betting they would stomp you into the ground, if the choice were between doing that and having to lose their special police power. That is the essence of a police state. You can’t have a police state without police to enforce it.

Watch this video where a woman is arrested for not wearing a mask. No one is near her, other than family. There is no danger. The cop chose to cause and escalate this confrontation, even though there is NO benefit for requiring a mask in this situation (even if you believe masks work, there was no one near her) other than demanding compliance for the sake of compliance.

So, no. I don’t automatically support the cops. I don’t a

So, no. I don’t automatically support the cops. I don’t automatically hate them. However, I can clearly see a time coming where I won’t have that luxury. It will be time to choose.

That makes me sad.


  1. Ctv is a Canadian network. That's probably in Montreal or somthing

  2. Lind makes an interesting strategic argument, but fails to discuss the mechanisms for ensuring local, state and federal police agents and agencies remain on the nationalist right, as opposed to the globalist, collectivist left, or even "just doing their jobs" ("aka "just following order"/just securing their pensions), as is their natural reflexive state.

    DTG is right: I don't automatically support the cops. To the extent that we are individually and locally able, we need to woo the police to be Americans first, cops second. But they need to choose which side that they are on; they will earn my support only if they choose the right side.

    The Wretched Dog

    1. "...they will earn my support only if they choose the right side."


      Thanks for stopping by!


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