A Beretta M9 Update...from Back in My Day...

During my time on AD in the USAF, for all 21+ years, when I arrived at a duty station, any weapon that I needed to perform my duties was assigned to me as a matter of universal policy for the duration of my time on that particular base/section/flight (platoon).  All sidearms, whether revolvers or pistols (there were a smattering of S&W M39s around for senior officers) had adjustable sights, including the M9, when they finally started to be issued toward the end of my time (first seen by me in '90 in Germany, duty wise - I had a Beretta 92 compact as a Personally Owned Weapon (POW)).  The only time we didn't get our assigned weapon was if we lost/forgot our 'weapons card' (listing the weapons by serial number and type), and had to get a loaner.

So, fast forward a couple decades later, to when I bought my current M9.  It came with 'loaner' fixed sights, and I didn't have the adjustable sights installed immediately, though I had bought the adjustable rear sight directly from Beretta shortly after getting the M9.  With one thing and another, I never installed them.  So, a month ago, I finally took it to a great gunsmith that I've been using for the last 2 years and had it installed.

Not my sight - internet pic for demonstration - I ain't selling mine!

Today was the test fire.

Before the adjustable sights were installed, I couldn't hold a 3 inch group at 25 meters.  Period.  More like 8 to 12 inches.  The below picture is from two 3 shot groups.  The high one was the first group.  I aimed a bit lower, and the 2nd 3 is the second group.  Off hand, slow fire.

The pistol does what it's supposed to do.  I couldn't ask for more.  The 'shoot n c' target is 3 inches wide.  I used a NRA 50 ft small bore target at 25m.  

I think I'm good now, insofar as tinkering goes.  Now to go sell things and get some ball ammo and practice more.

Here's a target with fixed sights at 15 meters.  Not too shabby, though a tad left.  It's my eyes...they're getting old.

Here's the test target from today with the new, Beretta factory adjustable sights at 25 meters.  Those are 2 separate groups - the top group was the 1st three rounds; the bottom group was the 2nd three rounds.  After that, I shot a human silhouette at 25m for the rest of the morning.  Head shots with no issue, CNS no issue, and heart shots, no issues.

The centers on both targets are 3 inches in diameter.

I am pleased with the results.  Head shots are back in the equation.


  1. Frequent reader of your blog, love it! As for the M-9, hated it. Having said that, it was issued to me in '01 and I learned to shoot it well. In '03 training up to go to Iraq I was the only member of an MP Battalion to get a perfect score on the pistol qualification course of fire. Point is I hear shooters say things about a firearm they do not like and blame that on not being able to shoot with it. I have never picked up a weapon that I could not make work for me. I taught my children that and I attempted to instill that concept in many soldiers throughout my time in the military. Keep up the good works here!



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