Anyone Looking for decent (meaning, 'REALLY GOOD') .45 ACP...

For less than a buck a round, DELIVERED, you might want to check out Freedom Munitions," out of Lewiston, Idaho.  I was looking around for quality .45ACP, and stumbled across their site.

Anymore, I don't ever see Winchester Q4170 (which is what I used exclusively for quite a few years...before the dark times...before the empire...just sayin') for less than a buck and a quarter,  sometimes more, a LOT more, per round, let alone LESS than a single dollar, after shipping and taxes.

I prefer a .45ACP over my 9mm's, even though they perform very well if I'm getting one of those, premonitions about something I'm going to be doing or somewhere I'm going.  Nothing wrong with the Nine, I'm simply more comfortable with a .45ACP on my person.  

Freedom Munitions has quite a few offerings for pistol and rifle and are worth checking out if you haven't already.  Here's their logo:

I've purchased 9mm (124gr REMAN), .45ACP, (230gr REMAN and NEW), and some of their .308 Match HPBT, all of which met or exceeded my expectations of performance for my activity on the range.  The only one I haven't used that's of interest to me is their 5.56NATO offerings, but I'm sure they'd perform similarly. 

Put this post down as another referral for good ammo for the upcoming National Marksmanship Matches to be held in cities all over the country.

Disclaimer:  I don't know them; they don't know me except through my purchases, and I don't get a single round for this recommendation.  


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