
Showing posts from July, 2021

Jab Remorse....

By Bill Sardi at Lew Rockwell's site.  It's worth the time to see what's up with the law suits....reports uncovered a minimum of 40K to a maximum alleged count of 540K dead from the jab so far. You be the judge....but whatever you do, don't take the jab.

It's the Little Things...

 One does to clothing/kit prior to SHTF that make a HUGE difference.  Let's talk 'bug juice' just for a minute. I think bug juice is GREAT !  I always have a few squeeze bottles of 100% DEET (Ben's brand - simply the best in my .02) in my kit for those nasty places I like to stay in while I rest.   I also like to treat my outer clothing, such as pants, shirt, and jacket/smock with Sawyer's Permethrin.  Actually, I do a 'twofer.'  I wash the clothing in 'Cotton Proof' to provide a tad of water resistance (and it works) and then, after complete drying, saturate the clothing with the Permethrin.  I become persona non-grata to ticks, chiggers, skeeters, and other flying/biting bugs.  It supposed to last through 6 washings, but I'm betting it depends on the amount of sweat and rain the clothing is saturated with in between treatments.  Incidentally, that's why I carry the DEET as well. Makes sleeping and/or moving a lot less miserable. This ...

(Almost) Silent Walking...

Way back in the Day Before the Day (an indication of my advanced chronology), we were taught, and subsequently taught our students to walk in the following manner.  It's not easy, and will tire you out if you don't do your PT and practice.   It's not complex, and it does work if you find yourself needing to traverse an area that provides a good amount of concealment, like woods or forests, or even well-treed suburban areas.  It's a given that silence is essential to your survival, and the urge to move with speed can kill you by getting you spotted by a bad guy, (the human eye is attracted to movement - the faster, the more quickly spotted), you may want to consider the following methods of stepping and moving: Walk slowly; only a few steps at a time .  Then stop, look, and listen for a few seconds.  Emulate the deer - it moves a few feet...stops...listens...looks around...and then moves on.  Before you put your foot down, look at where you're goin...

Now, More Than Ever...

Here .  Remember, just because you're putting together a NEIGHBORHOOD PROTECTION TEAM to keep your family, friends, and neighbors safe, it doesn't mean that a CI or two (or 10) won't be coming to your meetings, ingratiating themselves, and trying to instigate some sort of trouble....

Looking at the News, One Might Think....

 It just CAN'T get any worse, can it? My logic replies:  "You ain't seen NUTHIN ' yet...." The objective is clearly the destruction of the United States and ALL traditional Americans, and EVERYONE knows it....on BOTH sides.

I Know I'm Not...


Whelp...I for SURE Won't be Buying any of Their Coffee, now....

 Go to the link, here .  Then, after you read it, decide if you're going to support their company anymore.  The owner can do/say anything he wants, but there are LOSING YOUR CUSTOMER BASE . They. Are. NOT. In. Support. Of. Freedom. Of. Speech.

Long, but Enlightening and Validating Your Most Likely COA for the 'Pandemic'....

Do read the whole thing.  It's worthwhile....and pass along (but not to 'common core' readers/thinkers)... Might COVID Injections Reduce Lifespan? By  Joseph Mercola July 19, 2021 Excerpts:

"Oh man, during Covid the BS piled up so fast you needed wings to stay above it...."

 With apologies to, "Apocalypse Now," starring Martin Sheen. Here's a great set of quotes from the movie....short video.

Back From the VERY HOT Mountain West....

99f to 110f while I was there....'but it's a DRY heat!'   More to follow in the next few days as I finish rehydrating.