Whelp...I for SURE Won't be Buying any of Their Coffee, now....

 Go to the link, here.  Then, after you read it, decide if you're going to support their company anymore.  The owner can do/say anything he wants, but there are consequences....like LOSING YOUR CUSTOMER BASE.

They. Are. NOT. In. Support. Of. Freedom. Of. Speech.


  1. This is not the first time they've betrayed their customer base. They've done it before specifically pulling support away from Kyle Rittenhouse. Get woke, go broke. I don't understand why all these private businesses feel the need to make a political stand. Stupid. I'll never buy from the again.

  2. Why in the world did the BRC guy say that shit? If you are a 100% owner of the company and profits are irrelevant to you, fine. You can piss down the backs of as many customers you like. Your funeral. It's a free country (or it used to be.)

    If you have partners or shareholders, to say things that drive customers away is irresponsible. I don't know what the situation is here.

    All I know is that the company got much of its support from people who thought the owner(s) was a kindred spirit and a fellow traveler, and they wanted to support him, not just because they thought that the coffee was the greatest gift in the world to the caffeine crowd.

    The guy reminds me of some actor who started out in B movies, but whose name then became a household word. After he has arrived at a certain level, he describes his early work as crap and calls anyone who liked it a moron, all for the purpose of sucking up to his new trendy contacts.

    I expect that there are some high muckety-mucks at Coca-Cola who regret turning over diversity training to the black in-house counsel whose training program admonished employees "to be less white." I have had only one Coke since that became public, and then only because Coke came with a fast food combo.

    In a sit-down restaurant, I ask the waiter/waitress if the restaurant serves Coke or Pepsi. If the waiter/waitress said Coke, I have responded on three different occasions that I am "too white to drink Coke." The waiter/waitress nervously laughs, and then I order sweet tea. (I hope these Millennials aren't spitting in my food.)

    I also haven't been buying any Chick-Fil-A food after the CEO shined a black rapper's shoes "to atone for white racism." Pathetic limp-wrist, religious shithead. I actually started buying their products because the owner stood up to the LBGT crowd and publicly opposed gay marriage. Now, it's fuck him and the chicken he rode into town on.

  3. I tried them out, a long time ago. Realized that they really did not care one damn about their customers, so, I have been done with them ever since.


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