Here ya go, Pete!
DTG’s 2021 Updated 10 Week (If You’re Lucky) Plan to Prepare for the Worst-Case Scenario It’s been about 13 or 14 years since I wrote this under my since retired ‘nom de guerre’, and commenting on a blog post recently, CA at Western Rifle Shooter’s Association asked me if I’d mind updating it. This is a good base plan for folks you might know just waking up to the fact that things are spinning faster in the vortex than ever before, and this might be the best chance for them to get themselves in gear. Feel free to add or take away as your situation and local area conditions may require. Understand something, though: You have a VERY small window; it may even be too late should something happen that accerlerates the current environment like a JATO (Jet Assisted Take Off) rocket on a C130. So, if you’re just getting st...
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