Wednesday Evening....

Remove Magazine.

Lock slide/bolt to the rear.

Check chamber.

Let slide/bolt go forward.

Take up position.

Sight Picture; sight alignment.

Remove safety.


Respiratory pause.


Trigger break.

Manual Reset.

Rack slide/charging handle.

Sight picture; sight alignment.


Respiratory pause.


Trigger break.

Manual Reset.

Repeat for allotted time in schedule.

Return piece to original condition.

Sleep well.

Bettern' a movie and popcorn!


  1. Then avail yourself of a revolver and go the range. load live rounds and empties at random in the same cylinder. Practice the above technique. On the first empty "CLICK!", you'll know if it's working.

  2. Yeah, familiar with that exercise as well. Wheel guns are still viable. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Another trigger training exercise with EMPTY gun (check it !) practiced long ago.

    Find a horizontal line and cocking EMPTY gun hammer, track the line and pull trigger while staying on line. When you can stay very close to horizontal line and pull trigger, switch to vertical line and do the same.

    Basically, with this practice you are becoming far more familiar with the trigger pull of your gun.


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