
Showing posts from December, 2021

Advice from Thousands of Years Ago...

Even today, while you use the holidays to solidify your tribe, always remember to keep your sword and spear with you...

Merry Christmas!


The Air Force Officially has Joined 'the Dark Side'...

 From Schlichter' s Twitter feed ; He's retweeting another guys tweet describing that a friend in the USAF is supposed to vote on the USAF's 'new logo.'  I just threw up a little in my mouth again looking at it. Before, during, and a bit after my time, it was, "Fly, Fight, and Win!"  Now?  Well, it speaks for itself.  And Caucasians don't seem to be part of the equation.  Now why is that? I don't think I can wear my 'USAF Retired' hat or keep my window stickers on anymore....this truly sucks!

From Across the Transom...

I can't state with any veracity that the below graphic is accurate; maybe a reader in NY can verify.  But what I can do is emphatically state: "Commies gonna commie!" I was stationed in upstate NY for 3 wonderful years in the very early 80's.  East of the Finger Lakes.  Very beautiful area; great people!  In fact, my daughter was born there.  I also worked in Manhattan in '16 & '17.  What a great place (then) to work.  Sure, it wasn't exactly a crime free utopia, but if you stayed aware and walked in groups of 2 or more, you were pretty safe.  The subway was usable, even though I saw some weirdness.  Individuals and parents had rights; in fact, the parental relationship and authority over medical treatment for their children was, like most places back then, sacrosanct.  My heart bleeds for parents today. This was all back before the commies took over.  I wouldn't go to NYC now for love nor money.  Nor would I go upstate, be...
By way of the, "Wretched Dog," a good friend and reader.  This needs to go viral, as much as possible.  Please give the widest possible dissemination.   Video on blog does not seem to work, but it does at the link. Original, here . [Our original post of the video below on Vimeo was removed, purportedly for "violating" Vimeo's guidelines against "false or misleading claims" about the COVID-19 vaccine. We therefore uploaded it on our  new Rumble account  to let our readers watch and decide for themselves.] Dr. Simone Gold, the founder of America's Frontline Doctors, spoke at the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s 2021 Restoration Weekend on Nov. 11th-14th at the Breakers Resort in Palm Beach, Florida. Dr. Gold discussed the medical tyranny that is now taking over America -- and how our Constitution is under lethal attack. A transcript follows.   Simone Gold:  You know, all the speakers at the event are amazing, but it's really an honor to follow D...

They ALWAYS Tell Us What They're Going to Do Before They Do it...

From Brandon's, "patience running very thing," to Mengele's, "the American people are just going to have to deal with it," to various 'personalities' and 'celebrities' calling for the outright imprisonment and execution of Americans for choosing not to inject themselves with poison (certain death anyway). Old axiom:  "When a man tells you he's going to kill you, believe him, and take appropriate action." Not going to preach to the choir here, so to speak, because the readership here know what everyone needs to be doing if they want to survive the forthcoming chaos. It's my hope, twelve days before the traditionally celebrated date of the birth of Christ Jesus (as incorrect as it is), that all of us continue to do what needs to be done including encouraging each other, exhorting each other not to quit, and live 1 Peter, 4:8, which says, "Above all, keep your love for on another fervent, because love covers a multitude of...

As if the Government Actually NEEDED Another Database on US Citizens...

From SHTF Plan.  Read at the link. They're serious.  They want to have complete access to every single citizen's 'shot record' nationally.  Read the article, and then write your Senator (not that it'll do any good).  It's already passed the house with the support of 80 'so called' conservative Republicans.  Go figure. The frog keeps swimming, and the chef keeps turning up the heat, bit by bit.  All the American people say is, "This hot tub is GREAT!! Turn up the heat!!!!"

This...EXACTLY This!!!

Tactical Wisdom is a great resource for 'reality checks' and information for beginners and experienced preppers, alike.   Here's a post that really cuts right down to the issues of 'experienced' preppers dumping their 'expertise' on new preppers in a way that drives them away from being able to learn to take care of themselves and  their families. Check it out at the link, and then pass it along to those who might learn from it.

Emerald Robinson: What is Luciferase?

Via WRSA .  As Pete said,  " Come up with a better explanation of 100% vaxxed demands from the media-medical community? How about merchants-of-death level sales and profit for Big Pharma?" If you don't have your Spiritual house in order, you're running out of time.  If you're not prepped to defend yourself, your family, and your property, you're running out of time.  Fast. As the author (White House Correspondent for Newsmax) says at the end of her post, "You have been warned." What is Luciferase? How a firefly enzyme that glows might herald the end of the world As most of my followers on social media and Substack must know by now, I have spent a considerable amount of time the last two years trying to discover the actual ingredients of the new COVID vaccines. The reason is simple: Big Pharma has gone to considerable trouble to hide them. Do the Big Pharma companies want to submit the vaccines to independent analysis? They do not! Do the Big Pharma c...

On the Newest 'Variant'...

Man, I'm SO glad I've got a great immune system, as well as ALL the right immune building supplements/vitamins and food!  Thank.  You.  God. From a source I trust, Dr. Joseph Mercola , via Lew Rockwell : Omicron Variant and Vaccine Resistance By  Joseph Mercola December 7, 2021 The inevitable is now here. Another SARS-CoV-2 variant dubbed Omicron has reportedly arisen in fully “vaccinated” patients in Botswana. 1  Handfuls of cases have also emerged in other areas of the world. Judging by the doomsday headlines 2  and government imposed lockdowns and border closings, the technocratic elite would really like everyone to panic about this one. In response, Japan, Israel and Morocco immediately closed their borders to all foreign travelers. The U.S., the U.K., Canada and the European Union banned travelers from southern Africa specifically. Australia delayed its reopening plans and China announced a “zero-tolerance approach” to the new variant. 3 ...