From Brandon's, "patience running very thing," to Mengele's, "the American people are just going to have to deal with it," to various 'personalities' and 'celebrities' calling for the outright imprisonment and execution of Americans for choosing not to inject themselves with poison (certain death anyway). Old axiom: "When a man tells you he's going to kill you, believe him, and take appropriate action." Not going to preach to the choir here, so to speak, because the readership here know what everyone needs to be doing if they want to survive the forthcoming chaos. It's my hope, twelve days before the traditionally celebrated date of the birth of Christ Jesus (as incorrect as it is), that all of us continue to do what needs to be done including encouraging each other, exhorting each other not to quit, and live 1 Peter, 4:8, which says, "Above all, keep your love for on another fervent, because love covers a multitude of...