
Showing posts from May, 2021

Lest We Forget...

Remember them...  

So Tell Me Again About Biden's Oath?

Original . EXCLUSIVE: Leaked State Department Memo Indicates Official Support for BLM Agenda By  Jack Posobiec   |  May 24, 2021 A source within the Biden State Department wishing to remain anonymous has shared with  Human Events News  a document that indicates that all U.S. “Diplomatic and Consular posts” are being encouraged to display shows of support for Black Lives Matter on Tuesday, May 25, the one-year anniversary of  George Floyd’s death .  The memo reads in part, “The Department supports the use of the term ‘Black Lives Matter’ in messaging content, speeches, and other diplomatic engagements with foreign audiences to advance racial equity and access to justice  on May 25 and beyond  (italics added) We encourage posts to focus on the need to eliminate systemic racism and its continued impact.” The memo, which is in part a woke statement on social justice, part an apology for U.S. actions, and part an endorsement of all BLM materials, ...

On the 'To Do' List...

Decided to get some of Fenix's .45ACP FMJ ammo and check out their brick & mortar location.  So, once I get it and take it to the range, I'll compare it to Winchester White Box on performance including accuracy, cleanliness, out of the box appearance, and so forth.   I also LOVE the fact that each purchaser MUST certify he or she did NOT vote for the 'fake' resident of the White House ('he whose name shall not be mentioned here, lest the ghost of Karl Marx appear). I've already bought and shot a good amount of .45ACP FMJ from 'Freedom Munitions' and compared to Winchester White Box (the FM performs a tad better) which is some really, really good ammo, and I hope the Fenix is in the same caliber (no pun intended, LOL) when it comes to busting caps. Now, don't get me wrong, the great majority of my training ammo is Winchester White Box, but prices are still stupidly out of my affordability range, so I'm always looking for quality ammo to train ...

Pragmatic Thought Here...

 I've been noticing a good amount of 'best rounds for personal defense/SHTF/Mutant Zombie Biker Apocalypse/Going to the Grocery Store. My answer, though I have my favorites in numbers that allow me to stay proficient in their use, is this: "The best rounds for personal defense in all situations are the ones you have loaded in your weapon and spare magazines.  Period." The rounds in your weapon and mags trump all those others say that you MUST have to protect yourself, because should you be attacked, they're the rounds you're sending down the pipe at the bad guy. There you go. 

Dr. Joseph Mercola on, 'The Jab'...

 See the video here. H/T Pandemic War Room . Dr. Mercola Warns: ‘They Are Going to Kill More People With This Vaccine’ Than From Covid May 18, 2021   by  Elizabeth Dr. Joseph Mercola  returns  to War Room and drops another major bombshell: the vaccine is going to kill more people than covid. “I’m a firm believer in freedom of choice,” Dr. Mercola said. “I’m also a firm believer in having the information to truly have informed consent.” “This is not a conventional vaccine,” he said. “It’s actually giving your body a signal to instruct it to become a factory for making SARS-COV-2 spike protein. And this spike protein is not the same spike protein at all, it’s genetically mutated.” Dr. Mercola said the vaccine actual is gene editing that impairs your body’s natural immune response. “Look at the facts,” he said. “As soon as they implemented the vaccine programs the deaths went up. “They are going to kill more people with this vaccine than deaths caused from SARS-COV...

Denninger in Top Form...Read the Whole Thing!

 As usual. Learn From History - Or Repeat It How many times have your heard  " The world has changed." No it hasn't.  Not really.  Nor have people. Just like physics hasn't changed;  Star Wars  and  Star Trek  are  fiction,  a virus is a tiny  fraction  of the size of the holes in a cloth mask and goes right through it in both directions, there is no such thing as a 100mpg carburetor for an old Chevy V8 that the oil companies suppressed and if you try to live on Mars I hope you intend to stay underground 99% of the time  because the cosmic radiation will cook you dead within a year or so otherwise. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913  mandates  "stable prices."  Stable has not changed in definition; it does not say "2% inflation counts" or any such claptrap.   Not one Congress has enforced that mandate since 1913  and in fact Congress  loves  to print credit when it finds it inconvenient...

Popp's RUMINT...

Terrence Popp's video warning to the police on what is coming is instructive in several ways.  The biggest takeaway for me? His RUMINT indicates ANTIFA/BLM are training for 'Direct Action' operations and are most likely being trained by combat vets who joined the 'left' (I call them communists, myself - the vets who are doing this?  Traitors, by definition.   Defined precisely, DA Ops come in two flavors: Activism:   Direct action  originated as a political   activist   term for economic and political acts in which the actors use their power (e.g.   economic   or physical) to directly reach certain goals of interest; in contrast to those actions that appeal to others (e.g. authorities); by, for example, revealing an existing problem, using physical violence, highlighting an alternative, or   demonstrating   a possible solution. Both direct action and actions appealing to others can include nonviolent and violent activities...

Been OTR...

 Apparently COVID concerns are small to miniscule when it comes to my company and our clients, LOLOL!!  I've been flying since my last post every week for a few days and will continue for the next two weeks, same cadence.  Then, when on the ground, numerous spread sheets and deliverables....SO, gotta pay the bills.   I did have time, however, yesterday and today, to hit the range, both pistol and Sporting Clays.  200 rounds in 2 days.  Nothing relaxes like busting caps!! All weapons are clean, reloaded (gotta be ready, doncha know?) and put where they belong while in stand-by status. Hope you and yours are doing well; I'll be posting as time permits in the next 7 to 10 days. For those of you who asked, 'THANK YOU!'  I'm not in the hospital, infected with Chink Virus, or dead.   I am, as former .mil are prone to say, "Good To Go!"....